Stable Advice (blog)

Caring for hooves in wet weather

Maintaining healthy hooves in damp conditions requires a proactive approach involving regular hoof care, environmental management, and collaboration between farriers and veterinarians. By implementing effective strategies for prevention and treatment, horse owners can safeguard their equine companions against common springtime concerns such as thrush, white line disease, and abscesses. Remember, prevention is key, but timely intervention can also mitigate the impact of dampness on hoof health.

Words of Wisdom for horse people

Words of Wisdom for horse people.
Respect the bond: The connection between a horse and its owner is built on trust and mutual respect. Treat your horse with kindness, patience, and understanding, and you’ll receive the same in return.

The Language of Equine Gestures: Understanding Your Horse’s Emotions

Horses, magnificent creatures that they are, have a language all their own. While they may not speak in words, their gestures and expressions convey a wealth of information about their emotions and state of mind. For any horse enthusiast, unraveling the meaning behind these equine gestures is akin to deciphering a silent yet eloquent language. In this blog post, let’s explore the subtle cues that horses give through tail swishing, ear positioning, facial expressions, and posture, offering a glimpse into the world of their emotions.

Caring for your tack in wet weather

Caring for your horse’s tack in rainy and wet weather is essential to ensure its longevity and safety for both you and your horse. Moisture can damage leather, cause mold, and weaken stitching. Here are some tips to help you maintain your tack in wet conditions:

Beyond Jumping Fences: Exploring Alternative Sports for Equestrians

Equestrians often have a deep love for horses and a passion for physical activities. While traditional horseback riding and jumping fences are popular pursuits, there are several alternative sports that equestrians might also enjoy. These activities can help equestrians improve their skills, build their fitness, and strengthen their bond with horses. Here are some alternative sports that equestrians might find appealing: