Mountain Horse Boots
Riding boots

Proper care of leather riding boots is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain their appearance. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how riders should care for their leather riding boots:

1. Cleaning:

  • Remove Dirt and Debris: After each ride, use a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from the boots. Pay attention to seams and crevices where dirt can accumulate including zippers. You can use zipper spray to lubricate the zippers if needed.
  • Damp Cloth Wipe: Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe off remaining dirt and sweat. Avoid soaking the leather; a slightly damp cloth is sufficient.

2. Conditioning:

  • Choose a Suitable Conditioner: Use a high-quality leather conditioner that matches the type of leather your boots are made from. Consult the manufacturer’s recommendations or a leather care professional if you’re unsure.
  • Apply Conditioner: Apply the conditioner using a soft, clean cloth. Work it into the leather using gentle, circular motions. Let the boots absorb the conditioner for a few minutes. Blackrock works well on boots.
  • Remove Excess: Wipe off any excess conditioner with a clean, dry cloth. Too much conditioner can lead to a sticky residue.

3. Polishing:

  • Select a Good Polish: Choose a high-quality leather boot polish that matches the color of your boots. If your boots are a unique color, consider using a neutral polish. Urad and Effax make nice polishes
  • Apply Polish: Use a soft brush or cloth to apply the polish evenly over the boots. Let it dry for a few minutes.
  • Buffing: Buff the boots with a clean, dry cloth or a polishing brush to achieve a shine. For a higher shine, repeat the process with a second coat of polish.
  • There are quick shine products available that are great to take to a show for a quick shine before entering the ring. Effax and Cadillac make nice quick shine products.

4. Protection:

  • Waterproofing: If your boots are not waterproof, consider applying mink oil or a product approved by your boot manufacturer to protect them from water damage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific product you choose.
  • Avoid Extreme Conditions: Leather can be damaged by extreme heat or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Store your boots in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

5. Storage:

  • Use Boot Trees: When not in use, insert boot trees into your riding boots to help them maintain their shape.
  • Avoid Folding: Store your boots upright, and avoid folding or creasing them, as this can lead to permanent damage.

6. Regular Inspection:

  • Check for Damage: Regularly inspect your boots for signs of wear, tear, or damage. Address any issues promptly to prevent them from worsening.

By following these steps and being consistent with your boot care routine, you can keep your leather riding boots in excellent condition, ensuring they remain comfortable and stylish for a long time.

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