bathing your horse
Bathing your horse

When it comes to keeping your horse healthy, a key part of their grooming routine is bathing. But how often should you bathe them?

Bathing too frequently can cause skin irritation and dryness for horses that have more sensitive coats. In general, the average horse does not need to be bathed more than once per month in the summer and twice in the winter. It’s important to consider the weather conditions when deciding how often to bathe your horse. If they are consistently outdoors or exposed to mud or dirt during their activities then they may need an additional bath every two weeks. The frequency of bathing should also depend on if you’re planning on showing your horse as well – shows like to see a perfectly clean animal with no mud stains!

If your horse has an oily coat you may be able to bathe more often. When a horse’s coat looks shiny and healthy, it usually means that its natural oils are doing their job. Natural oils help keep the horse’s skin and hair protected from the elements, like rain and wind. Think of them like your own lotion – when you put it on, your skin feels softer and it helps prevent dryness.

You can tell if a horse has natural oils in its coat by looking closely at how its fur looks. Healthy coats will be smooth and glossy, while dry or damaged coats might look dull and rough. You can also feel the difference between an oily coat and a dry one. An oily coat will feel slippery and smooth, while a dry one might feel coarse or bumpy.

If your horse has skin issues, there are many shampoos available to help with fungus and skin irritations. (Ex. Fungasol, Micto Tek) If you have a white or light colored horse, choose a shampoo shampoos designed especially for white or light colored horses that will help with stains. (Ex Quic Silver, White N’Brite) There are also color enhancing shampoos for darker horses (Ex Quic Color, Shaplees). If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us.