Stable Advice (blog)

The incredible benefits of horses and horseback riding.

Horses have captivated humans for centuries with their beauty, strength, and grace. Beyond their majestic appeal, horses offer a wide range of benefits that extend to both our physical and mental well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore the remarkable advantages of horses and the joy of horseback riding.

What makes a well turned out rider in the Hunter Ring?

RJ Classics Hunt Coat When it comes to participating in hunter riding competitions, the rider's appearance is almost as important as the horse's performance. Judges take into account how well the rider presents themselves and their horse during the competition....

Saddle Fit

Royal Highness Saddle As a horse owner or rider, it is important to ensure that your saddle fits your horse perfectly. A well-fitted saddle not only provides comfort to your horse but also enhances their performance. However, with time and usage, the fit of your...

How often should you replace your riding helmet?

Helmet As an equestrian, safety should always be a top priority when it comes to riding horses. One essential piece of safety equipment that every rider should own is a riding helmet. But how often should you replace your riding helmet? It's a question that many...

What is a horse’s normal temperature?

As the body temperature of a horse is an important indicator of their overall health and wellbeing, it is important to know what the normal temperature range for a horse should be. The typical temperature of a healthy horse ranges from 99.5 to 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit...