What’s in your tack box?

Depending on the size of your tack box, or tack trunk, you can keep all your essentials, and, if large enough, your saddle and tack.

For grooming, you should at least have a curry to help loosen hair, dirt and mud, a hard brush to get off what the curry loosened, a soft brush for the finer dirt and dander, a mane and tail brush, and a hoof pick. A shedding blade, grooming gloves or similar product can help in shedding season.


You may want to add some products to help with your grooming to your tack box. You may want a detangler and shine product to help detangle mane and tail and add shine.  Products like Showsheen or similar are also great to use before body clipping as it helps the blades slide through the coat. Hoof dressing to help add moisture to the hoof. Fly spray to help keep those pesky flies off your horse.

Fly spray

First aid products are also great to keep in your tack box since horses can always find something to hurt themselves on.  Wound creams or first aid sprays are a must.  If your horse is prone to thrush, make sure you keep the hoof clean, but you may add thrush medication to your tack box. A set of wraps, or Vetrap can be useful to keep on hand.


Your horse would appreciate some horse treats in your tack box.  There is a wide variety of treats out there.  Some have no sugar added, some are soft, great for older horses, and some hard if your horse likes that crunch.  Choose one that fits your horses diet or chewing ability.

Horse Treats

If your tack box is large enough, keeping your saddle and tack inside can help protect your tack from damage from animals in the barn.

Leather care products are also good to keep in your tack box if you clean your tack at the barn.  Glycerin bars or a nice saddle soap after each ride can help extend the life of your tack.  With all the different types of saddles out there now, consult with your saddle maker or local tack store to find the best products to use on your saddle.

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